
  • 有限制性的监督训练,限制了模型本身泛化性,无法识别新的类别

  • 直接从自然语言这边,从这个文本里去得到一些监督信号,是一个看起来非常有前途的办法,因为它的这个监督信号涵盖的范围就太广了。只要是你语言描述过的物体,你就有可能让你这个视觉模型去识别到这个物体

  • 选择一种自监督的训练方式去预训练一个大模型

  • 模型的迁移学习效果,就是说对大多数任务来说它的效果都是非常好的

  • Supervised training with limitations restricts the model’s generalization and its ability to recognize new categories.

  • Utilizing supervisory signals extracted directly from natural language text appears to be a promising approach, as it offers a broad scope of supervision. Any object or concept described in language can potentially be recognized by the visual model.

  • Employing a self-supervised training approach to pre-train a large model.

  • The effectiveness of model transfer learning, meaning it performs very well on most tasks.


  • 通过自监督训练,我们可以直接从原始文本数据中构建模型,这种方法在NLP领域取得了重大突破,而且不依赖于具体的下游任务。

  • 大规模的未标记数据通常比手工标记的高质量数据更适用,因为它可以为模型提供更多信息。

  • 尝试结合图像和文本数据,以获得更强大的特征表示。

  • 在2017年,提出了”zero shot”迁移学习方法,但当时还没有Transformer模型和大规模高质量数据集。

  • 最相似于CLIP的三种方法,包括VirTex、ICMLM和ConVIRT,都基于Transformer模型,并在数十万张图片上进行了训练。

  • 基于大数据和大型模型的支持,我们提出了一种名为CLIP(对比语言图像预训练)的简单方法。

  • 迁移学习的效果通常与模型的规模正相关。

  • Through self-supervised training, we can directly build models from raw text data, which has led to significant breakthroughs in the field of NLP and doesn’t rely on specific downstream tasks.

  • Large-scale unlabeled data is often more suitable than manually labeled high-quality data because it provides the model with more information.

  • Exploring the combination of image and text data to obtain more powerful feature representations.

  • In 2017, a “zero-shot” transfer learning method was proposed, but it did not have Transformer models and large-scale high-quality datasets at the time.

  • The three methods most similar to CLIP, including VirTex, ICMLM, and ConVIRT, are all based on Transformer models and trained on tens of thousands of images.

  • With the support of big data and large-scale models, we introduce a simple approach called CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining).

  • The effectiveness of transfer learning is often positively correlated with the model’s scale.


  • 自然语言监督

  • 创建一介足够大的数据集

  • 选择一种有效的预训练方法

  • 选择和度量模型

  • 训练

  • Natural language supervision

  • Create a sufficiently large dataset

  • Choose an effective pretraining method

  • Model selection and measurement

  • Training


  • 核心是从自然语言中包含的监督中学习

  • 用于描述该领域工作的术语是多种多样的,甚至看似矛盾,陈述的动机也是多种多样的,无监督- 的、自监督的、弱监督的和有监督的

  • 不需要再去标注数据,监督信号是一个文本,不是N选1,模型的输入输出自由度大了很多

  • 学习特征不再只是一个视觉特征了,而是一个多模态特征。当和语言联系在一起以后,很容易去- 做 zero shot 种迁移学习

  • 核心思想是从自然语言中获得监督信号并进行学习。

  • 该领域的术语多种多样,有时看起来似乎相互矛盾,而动机也有多种,包括无监督、自监督、弱监督和有监督的方法。

  • 不再需要耗费大量精力去标注数据,监督信号可以是文本,而不仅仅是N选1的问题。这使得模型的输入输出变得更加灵活多样。

  • 特征学习不再局限于视觉特征,而是变成了一种多模态特征。当与自然语言结合时,更容易实现零-shot迁移学习。

  • The core idea is to obtain supervision from natural language and learn from it.

  • The terminology in this field is diverse and sometimes appears contradictory, and the motivation for various approaches includes unsupervised, self-supervised, weakly supervised, and supervised methods.

  • There’s no longer a need for extensive manual data annotation, as supervision can be in the form of text, not just N-to-1 problems. This makes the input and output of models more flexible.

  • Feature learning is no longer limited to visual features; it becomes multimodal. When combined with natural language, it becomes easier to achieve zero-shot transfer learning.


  • MS-COCO、Visual Genome 和这个 YFCC 100 million,前两个数据集标注质量非常高,但是数据量太少,只有大概 10 万个训练样本,跟modern standard 相比而言,小太多了。

  • YFCC 100 million 数据集有一个亿多,但是标注质量很差,清洗以后只有 1500 万

  • 创建了 WIT,也就是 web image text 数据集, 50万次搜索获取4 亿图片文本对,总字数与用于 训练GPT-2的WebText数据集差不多

  • 孕育了 clip 这篇工作,还孕育了DALL.E

  • MS-COCO, Visual Genome, and YFCC 100 million: The first two datasets have high-quality annotations but are limited in terms of the number of training samples, with only about 100,000. This is considerably smaller compared to modern standards.

  • The YFCC 100 million dataset contains over a billion data points, but its annotation quality is poor. After cleaning, it was reduced to only 15 million samples.

  • The creation of WIT, which stands for the web image text dataset, involved collecting 400 million image-text pairs through 500,000 searches. The total word count is roughly on par with the WebText dataset used to train GPT-2.

  • The development of CLIP and DALL-E was facilitated by this work.


  • 初始方法类似于VirTex,从头开始联合训练图 像CNN和文本transformer来预测图像的标题 ,非常困难

  • 对比目标比与其等效的预测目标有更好的表示

  • 只预测哪个文本作为一个整体与哪个图像配对,而不是预测准确的文本单词

  • The initial approach was similar to VirTex, involving training image CNN and text transformers from scratch to predict image captions. This proved to be very challenging.

  • Comparative objectives yield better representations compared to equivalent predictive objectives.

  • The model is designed to predict which text pairs with which image as a whole, rather than predicting individual text words.



CLIP is a trained model designed to determine which pairs of images and text are real matches. To achieve this goal, CLIP simultaneously trains image encoders and text encoders to learn a shared multimodal embedding space. In this space, CLIP aims to maximize the cosine similarity between embeddings of true image-text pairs while minimizing the cosine similarity of embeddings for mismatched pairs. Ultimately, CLIP optimizes these similarity scores using symmetric cross-entropy loss.


  • 没有使用imagenet的初始化权重,从头开始训练

  • 没有使用对比学习中最常用的非线性投影,只使用一个线性投影,在clip上没有差异

  • 不用采样单句,因为clip训练数据只有单句

  • 随机裁剪是唯一数据增强方式

  • 温度参数t通过学习得到,避免成为超参

  • The model was trained from scratch without using pre-trained weights from ImageNet.

  • Unlike the most common non-linear projections in contrastive learning, CLIP employs only a linear projection, and it has been effective in this context.

  • Single-sentence sampling is not used because the training data for CLIP consists of single sentences.

  • Random cropping is the only data augmentation method applied.

  • The temperature parameter (denoted as “t”) is learned during training rather than being a fixed hyperparameter, which helps avoid it becoming a tuning parameter.




rect-2 blur pooling
global average pooling layer -> attention pooling mechanism.
vision transformer:
adding an additional layer normalization to the combined patch and position embeddings


63M-parameter 12- layer 512-wide model with 8 attention heads. BPE 49,152 ,the max sequence length was capped at 76.


  • 一共训练了 8 个模型,有 5 个这个Resnet,有 3 个这个 vision transformer
  • Resnet 里面有 Resse 50 和 Resse 101、 Resnet 50* 4、 Resnet 50* 16 和 Resnet 50* 64
  • vision transformer 有vit base 32, vit base 16 和 vit large 14,这里的 32、16、14 分别指的是这个 patch 的大小
  • 对于所有的超参数,简单做了自动超参搜索,有grade search、random search 和手动调整。为了让调参快一点,在做超参搜索时,用的最小resnet 50 ,只训练了一个epoch,对于更大的模型,没再调参
  • batch size 是 3 万多,非常的大
  • 混合精度加速训练和节省显存


zero shot 迁移


    Visual N-Grams (Li et al., 2017)首先使用通用预训练模型研究了零样本迁移到标准图像分类数据集
    研究零样本迁移作为任务学习的评估,是受 到NLP领域中展示任务学习的工作的启发(gpt1,gpt2)

Zero-shot learning typically refers to research focused on the ability to generalize to unseen object categories in image classification.

In unsupervised learning, many studies primarily concentrate on feature representation learning. When applied to downstream tasks, fine-tuning with labeled data is still required.

Visual N-Grams (Li et al., 2017) was among the first to investigate zero-shot transfer to standard image classification datasets using generic pre-trained models.

The study of zero-shot transfer as a task of learning is inspired by the work in the NLP domain, particularly the demonstration of task learning in models like GPT-1 and GPT-2.

用 clip 做 zero shot 迁移



After pretraining with CLIP, it effectively has two encoders: one for images and one for text. For any given image, you can obtain a feature representation using the image encoder. When dealing with text inputs, you can provide labels or keywords of interest. These labels and keywords are processed into N sentences, which are then transformed into N text features using the text encoder. Subsequently, these N text features are compared to the image feature through cosine similarity, and a probability distribution is obtained through an additional softmax layer.

The core idea behind this approach is to encode both images and text into feature representations and then measure their similarity to derive a probability distribution that represents their relationship.


    imagenet 上这个的迁移效果:
    Visual n-grams在top1准确率11.5%
    clip在top1准确率76.2%,接近ResNet-50, top5准确率95%, 接近Inception-V4 
    clip 比Visual n-grams用的数据集大了十倍,模型多 100 倍计算量,相当于在训练上超过 1000 倍资源。
    模型的架构上,clip 用的是transformer,2017 年Visual n-grams这篇论文发表的时候, transformer 还没出现

The transfer results on ImageNet are as follows:

  • Visual N-Grams achieve a top-1 accuracy of 11.5%.
  • CLIP achieves a top-1 accuracy of 76.2%, which is close to the performance of ResNet-50, and a top-5 accuracy of 95%, similar to Inception-V4.

It’s important to note that this isn’t a fair comparison, given the differences in dataset size and computational resources:

  • CLIP uses a dataset ten times larger than that of Visual N-Grams.
  • CLIP’s model has 100 times the computational capacity.
  • In terms of architectural differences, CLIP employs a transformer, while in 2017, when the Visual N-Grams paper was published, transformers were not yet introduced.

prompt engineering 和 ensembling

    为什么要做 Prompt engineering
    第一个问题是缺少上下文导致单词多义性(imagenet: construction cranes and cranes , Oxford-IIIT Pet dataset: boxer ),
    第二个问题是distribution gap
    使用 “A photo of a {label}.” 准确度提升1.3%。提供更多信息效果更好
    prompt ensembling

Prompt engineering is a method used during fine-tuning or direct inference, and it doesn’t require extensive computational resources. It’s employed for several reasons:

  1. Resolving Word Ambiguity: The lack of context can lead to word ambiguity. For example, without context, the word “cranes” could refer to both “construction cranes” and “birds.” Prompt engineering helps clarify the intended meaning.

  2. Addressing Distribution Gap: There can be a distribution gap between the prompt used in training and the way users naturally phrase their queries. By using prompts like “A photo of a {label},” accuracy can improve by 1.3%. Providing more information in the prompt yields better results.

  3. Prompt Ensembling: This technique involves using multiple prompt templates for making multiple inferences and then combining these results to achieve better overall performance. In practice, over 80 different templates can be utilized to improve results.



    在 27 个数据集上评估 CLIP 在零迁移条件下的性能,结果显示其中 16 个数据集表现有所提升。
    对于更具挑战性的数据集,零样本学习(few-shot learning)作为性能衡量标准可能更加合适。

CLIP’s performance was evaluated on 27 datasets under zero-shot transfer conditions, and the results showed improvements on 16 of them. For general object classification tasks, CLIP typically performs exceptionally well. However, on certain specialized, complex, or abstract tasks such as satellite image classification, lymph node tumor detection, object counting, and traffic sign recognition, CLIP’s performance may be relatively weaker. For more challenging datasets, few-shot learning can be a more appropriate performance metric. What makes CLIP unique is its ability to rival state-of-the-art models without the need for any training examples.



    The evaluation of the model involves fitting linear classification models on the representations extracted from the model and testing its performance on various datasets. The performance is also measured in the case of end-to-end fine-tuning. Although fine-tuning may perform better on most image classification datasets, the evaluation method of using linear classifiers is preferred. This choice is made because fine-tuning involves a broader hyperparameter space, which could introduce unfair factors and also comes with higher computational costs.


Robustness to Natural Distribution Shift



Comparison to Human Performance

  • 相对于这个零样本的人来说,零样本的CLIP表现要更出色。

  • 当人们只有一个示例时,他们的平均性能从54%上升到76%。这意味着人类在某种程度上了解他们对于未知图像的不确定性,并能够根据单个示例来调整他们的先验知识。

  • 当人们有两个示例时,与只有一个示例相比,他们的性能没有明显提高,这可能需要更多系统性的学习和知识。

  • CLIP的这些少样本评估没有充分地利用先验知识。改进CLIP算法的一个重要步骤是找到一种方法,能够适当地将先验知识整合到少样本学习中。

  • 与CLIP中困难的类别相比,人们也会在困难的类别上遇到困难,而与CLIP中简单的类别相比,人们在简单的类别上也会表现得更轻松。

  • CLIP’s performance in zero-shot learning outperforms that of the average person who does zero-shot learning.

  • When people have only one example, their average performance increases from 54% to 76%. This suggests that humans to some extent understand their uncertainty regarding unknown images and can adjust their prior knowledge based on a single example.

  • When people have two examples, their performance does not significantly improve compared to having only one example. This might require more systematic learning and knowledge.

  • These few-shot evaluations of CLIP do not fully leverage prior knowledge. An important step in improving the CLIP algorithm is to find a way to appropriately integrate prior knowledge into few-shot learning.

  • People also face difficulties with difficult categories, similar to the challenging categories in CLIP, and perform better on easy categories, similar to the simple categories in CLIP.

Comparison to Human Performance 1

Data Overlap Analysis

2 )计算CLIP RN50x64在三种划分上的零样本精度
3 )重叠的数量通常很小,还进行二项式显著性检验

The issue with pretraining is the potential for unintentional overlap with downstream evaluation data.

1) For each evaluation dataset, detect overlapping data and split it into three categories: all data, overlapping data (including high similarity threshold), and clean data (including low similarity threshold).

2) Calculate the zero-shot accuracy of CLIP RN50x64 on these three data partitions.

3) The overlap is usually minimal and is further assessed through a binomial significance test.

Conclusion: The overall effect is minimal, with almost no difference.

Data Overlap Analysis 1


  • clip 的效果很好,但也还是有差距,弥补zero shot的差距需要增加1000倍的计算量

  • 细粒度分类上的性能较差 ,不在预训练数据集中的新任务效果接近随机

  • zero shot对训练数据分布外(out of distribution )的数据泛化效果仍然很差 (如:mnist)

  • 可以做 zero shot 的分类任务,但还是从给定的类别里做选择,无法生成,做成生成式的模型- (一个简单的想法是把对比学习的目标函数和生成式的目标函数合在一起)

  • 较差的数据效率问题 ,需要大量的数据去投,需要极大的计算量

  • 评估数据不全面,有偏

  • 数据来自互联网,会学习到许多社会偏见

  • 复杂的任务和视觉概念可能很难通 过文本指定

  • zero shot到few shot,有导致有违直觉的性能下降

  • CLIP’s performance is excellent, but there are still gaps. Closing the gap in zero-shot performance would require a 1000x increase in computational resources.

  • Performance on fine-grained classification is relatively poor, and the model’s performance on entirely new tasks not present in the pretraining data is close to random.

  • Zero-shot generalization to out-of-distribution data remains challenging, as evidenced by its performance on datasets like MNIST.

  • CLIP can perform zero-shot classification tasks but is still constrained to selecting from a given set of categories. It doesn’t have generative capabilities, and combining contrastive learning and generative objectives is an interesting direction for future work.

  • The model’s performance efficiency on challenging tasks requires vast amounts of data and significant computational resources.

  • The evaluation data may not be comprehensive and could suffer from biases.

  • Training data from the internet can introduce societal biases into the model’s knowledge.

  • Complex tasks and visual concepts may be challenging to specify through text alone.

  • Zero-shot to few-shot learning transitions may lead to unexpected drops in performance.




一个模型在不同的子组上具有更高的准确性和更低的性能差异,这并不意味着它将 具有更低的影响差异





From action recognition and object classification to geolocation and facial expression recognition, these measurement capabilities can be applied in the field of surveillance. The emergence of CLIP has indeed enhanced the practicality of video surveillance, making it easier to develop video models similar to CLIP and reducing the skill barriers required to build such applications.


  • 更早期识别模型的潜在有益下游用 途,使其他研究人员能够考虑应用。

  • 面临具有重大敏感性和大量社会利益相关者的任 务,可能需要决策者的干预。

  • 更好地描述模型中的偏差,提醒其他研究人员需要关注和干预的领域。

  • 创建测试套件能全面评估像CLIP这样的系统,可以在开发周期的早期更好地描述模型的功能。

  • 识别潜在的故障模式和需要进一步加强的领域

  • Identifying potential beneficial downstream applications for earlier recognition models, enabling other researchers to consider their use.

  • Addressing tasks with significant sensitivity and a large number of stakeholders, which may require intervention from decision-makers.

  • Providing better descriptions of biases within models, alerting other researchers to areas that require attention and intervention.

  • Creating test suites for comprehensive evaluation of systems like CLIP, allowing for a better description of model capabilities in the early stages of development.

  • Identifying potential failure modes and areas that need further improvement.