Best Highlights of Attention”

  1. 注意力介绍:注意力机制已经在各个领域取得了革命性的进展,从自然语言处理到计算机视觉。它们使模型能够关注相关信息,同时忽略无关数据。

  2. Introduction to Attention: Attention mechanisms have revolutionized various fields, from natural language processing to computer vision. They allow models to focus on relevant information while ignoring irrelevant data.

  3. Transformer 模型:Transformer 模型由 Vaswani 等人在论文 “Attention is All You Need” 中提出,为现代基于注意力机制的架构奠定了基础。它用自注意机制替代了循环网络,并在机器翻译方面取得了最先进的成果。

  4. Transformer Model: The Transformer model, introduced in the paper “Attention is All You Need” by Vaswani et al., laid the foundation for modern attention-based architectures. It replaced recurrent networks with self-attention mechanisms and achieved state-of-the-art results in machine translation.

  5. 自注意力:自注意力是注意力机制的核心概念。它允许模型衡量同一输入序列中不同元素的重要性。它特别有助于捕捉序列中的长距离依赖关系。

  6. Self-Attention: Self-attention is a core concept in attention mechanisms. It allows a model to weigh the importance of different elements within the same input sequence. It’s particularly useful for capturing long-range dependencies in sequences.

  7. 缩放点积注意力:缩放点积注意力是 Transformer 中使用的特定类型的注意力机制。它通过查询和键向量的点积计算注意力得分,并通过维度的平方根进行缩放。

  8. Scaled Dot-Product Attention: Scaled dot-product attention is a specific type of attention mechanism used in Transformers. It calculates attention scores as the dot product of query and key vectors, scaled by the square root of the dimension.

  9. 多头注意力:多头注意力通过允许模型同时关注输入序列的不同部分来扩展自注意力。这增强了模型捕捉多样的模式和关系的能力。

  10. Multi-Head Attention: Multi-head attention extends self-attention by allowing the model to focus on different parts of the input sequence simultaneously. This enhances the model’s capacity to capture diverse patterns and relationships.

  11. BERT(来自 Transformer 的双向编码器表示):BERT 由 Devlin 等人提出,是一个在各种自然语言处理任务上取得最先进性能的预训练模型。它使用了掩码语言建模任务和多层双向 Transformer 架构。

  12. BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers): BERT, introduced by Devlin et al., is a pre-trained model that achieved state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of NLP tasks. It uses a masked language modeling objective and a multi-layer bidirectional Transformer architecture.

  13. GPT(生成式预训练 Transformer):GPT 模型,从 GPT-1 到 GPT-2 和 GPT-3,都是自回归语言模型,逐词生成文本。它们展示了大规模 Transformer 的强大性能。

  14. GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer): GPT models, starting with GPT-1 and continuing with GPT-2 and GPT-3, are autoregressive language models that generate text one word at a time. They showcase the power of large-scale Transformers.

  15. 视觉 Transformer(ViT):视觉 Transformer 将 Transformer 架构应用于计算机视觉任务。它们在图像分类方面取得了竞争性的性能,证明了注意力机制不仅限于自然语言处理。

  16. Vision Transformers (ViT): Vision Transformers apply the Transformer architecture to computer vision tasks. They have achieved competitive performance on image classification, showing that attention mechanisms are not limited to NLP.

  17. 推荐系统中的注意力:注意力机制广泛应用于推荐系统,例如 YouTube 的深度神经网络推荐系统(DNNR),用于建模用户-物品互动和捕捉个性化偏好。

  18. Attention in Recommender Systems: Attention mechanisms are widely used in recommender systems, such as YouTube’s Deep Neural Networks Recommender (DNNR), where they model user-item interactions and capture personalized preferences.

  19. BERT 对自然语言处理的影响:BERT 的预训练和微调方法显著推动了自然语言处理任务,如情感分析、文本分类和问答,使其成为该领域的重要里程碑。

  20. BERT’s Impact on NLP: BERT’s pre-training and fine-tuning approach significantly advanced NLP tasks, such as sentiment analysis, text classification, and question answering, making it a landmark in the field.

  21. 图像字幕中的注意力:注意力机制改进了图像字幕模型,使其能够在生成文本描述时动态关注图像的不同区域。

  22. Attention in Image Captioning: Attention mechanisms have improved image captioning models, allowing them to dynamically focus on different regions of an image when generating textual descriptions.

  23. XLNet:XLNet 是 BERT 的扩展,引入了基于排列的训练方法,并在各种自然语言处理基准上取得了最先进的结果。它展示了基于注意力的架构的灵活性。

  24. XLNet: XLNet, an extension of BERT, introduced permutation-based training and achieved state-of-the-art results on various NLP benchmarks. It demonstrates the flexibility of attention-based architectures.

  25. 混合模型:许多模型,如 T5(文本到文本转换 Transformer),将预训练和微调与特定任务的架构相结合,展示了注意力机制在不同领域的多功能性。

  26. Hybrid Models: Many models, like the T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer), combine pre-training and fine-tuning with task-specific architectures, showcasing the versatility of attention mechanisms across domains.

  27. 注意力研究挑战:持续的研究探讨了有效的注意力、可解释性以及在大规模模型中降低计算成本等挑战。

  28. Attention Research Challenges: Ongoing research explores challenges such as efficient attention, interpretability, and reducing the computational cost of attention mechanisms in large-scale models.


These highlights illustrate the widespread impact and versatility of attention mechanisms across various domains and their role in advancing state-of-the-art models.

soft attention mechanisms

  1. 注意力分数:针对输入序列或数据中的每个元素,计算注意力分数。这些分数通常表示每个元素对当前任务的相关性。

  2. Attention Scores: For each element in the input sequence or data, attention scores are computed. These scores typically represent how relevant each element is to the task at hand.

  3. 归一化:通常会对注意力分数进行归一化,以确保它们的总和为1或在[0, 1]范围内。这一归一化步骤将分数转换为概率分布。

  4. Normalization: The attention scores are usually normalized to ensure that they sum up to 1 or fall within the range [0, 1]. This normalization step converts the scores into a probability distribution.

  5. 加权求和:最后,计算输入元素的加权和,其中每个元素都与其对应的注意力分数相乘。这个加权和表示输入的关注或注意到的表示。

  6. Weighted Sum: Finally, the weighted sum of the input elements is computed, where each element is multiplied by its corresponding attention score. This weighted sum represents the focused or attended representation of the input.


Soft attention is commonly used in various deep learning architectures, such as the Transformer model used in natural language processing and computer vision tasks. It enables models to capture dependencies and relationships between different parts of the input data, making it a powerful tool for tasks like machine translation, text summarization, image captioning, and more.

Hard attention

  1. 确定性选择:与软注意力不同,软注意力为输入中的元素分配连续的注意力分数,而硬注意力以确定性方式选择元素的子集。换句话说,硬注意力对哪些元素集中注意力进行了明确的二进制决策。

  2. Deterministic Selection: Unlike soft attention, which assigns continuous attention scores to elements in the input, hard attention involves selecting a subset of elements in a deterministic manner. In other words, it makes a clear, binary decision about which elements to focus on.

  3. 稀疏选择:硬注意力通常会导致稀疏选择,这意味着只选择了输入中的少数元素,而其他元素完全被忽视。

  4. Sparse Selection: Hard attention typically results in a sparse selection, meaning that only a few elements from the input are chosen, while others are entirely ignored.

  5. 不可微分性:硬注意力机制通常是不可微分的,这意味着不能直接使用基于梯度的优化方法(如随机梯度下降SGD)进行训练。这种不可微分性是由于选择过程的二进制、非连续性质引起的。

  6. Non-differentiable: Hard attention mechanisms are often non-differentiable, which means they cannot be directly trained using gradient-based optimization methods like stochastic gradient descent (SGD). This non-differentiability arises from the binary, non-continuous nature of the selection process.


Hard attention has been used in some machine learning models, particularly in the context of reinforcement learning and memory networks. However, it has limitations when it comes to differentiable training and gradient-based optimization, which is a key advantage of soft attention mechanisms. Soft attention is more commonly used in deep learning models like Transformers for tasks such as machine translation and text generation because it provides a probabilistic and differentiable way to weigh and focus on input elements.

Multi-head self-attention

  1. 单自注意力头:在标准自注意力机制中,为每个输入元素基于其与序列中所有其他元素的关系计算一组注意力权重。这一组权重确定了每个元素对其他元素的关注程度。

  2. Single Self-Attention Head: In a standard self-attention mechanism, a single set of attention weights is computed for each input element based on its relationship with all other elements in the sequence. This single set of weights determines how much attention each element pays to others.

  3. 多头自注意力:在多头自注意力中,多组注意力权重并行计算。每组权重称为一个“头”。头的数量是在训练之前选择的超参数,可以因模型而异。

  4. Multiple Heads: In multi-head self-attention, multiple sets of attention weights are computed in parallel. Each set of weights is called a “head.” The number of heads is a hyperparameter chosen before training and can vary from model to model.

  5. 头独立性:每个头都是独立运行的,学习自己的一组注意力权重。这意味着不同的头可以关注输入数据的不同方面或捕捉不同的模式和关系。

  6. Head Independence: Each head operates independently and learns its own set of attention weights. This means that different heads can focus on different aspects of the input data or capture different patterns and relationships.

  7. 连接或平均:在为每个头计算注意力分数后,通常通过连接或平均来获得每个输入元素的一组加权表示。

  8. Concatenation or Averaging: After computing attention scores for each head, the results are typically combined through concatenation or averaging to obtain a single set of weighted representations for each input element.

  9. 参数共享:虽然各头独立运行,它们共享相同的模型架构和参数。这种共享使模型能够有效地捕捉不同的关系,而不会显著增加参数数量。

  10. Parameter Sharing: While the heads operate independently, they share the same model architecture and parameters. This sharing allows the model to capture different relationships effectively without significantly increasing the number of parameters.


Multi-head self-attention has several advantages:

  • 增强容量:它使模型能够同时捕捉不同类型的依赖关系和模式,增强了其表示能力。

  • Enhanced Capacity: It enables the model to capture different types of dependencies and patterns simultaneously, enhancing its representational capacity.

  • 增强容量:它使模型能够同时捕捉不同类型的依赖关系和模式,增强了其表示能力。

  • Improved Generalization: By attending to various aspects of the input, multi-head attention can improve the model’s ability to generalize across different tasks and datasets.

  • 提高泛化能力:通过关注输入的各个方面,多头注意力可以提高模型在不同任务和数据集之间的泛化能力。

  • 可解释性:来自不同头的注意力权重可以提供关于被认为与任务的不同方面相关的输入部分的见解。

  • Interpretability: The attention weights from different heads can provide insights into which parts of the input are considered relevant for different aspects of the task.


Multi-head self-attention is a key component of Transformer-based models, such as BERT and GPT, which have achieved state-of-the-art results in various natural language processing tasks, including language modeling, machine translation, and text classification. It has also been adapted for other domains, including computer vision, where it has shown promise in tasks like image captioning.

multi-layer attention:

  1. 单层注意力:在深度学习模型中,单层注意力捕捉输入数据中的关系或依赖关系。这个单层注意力机制为输入序列中的每个元素计算注意力分数,然后将它们结合起来生成一个带有注意力权重的表示。

  2. Single-layer Attention: In a deep learning model, a single layer of attention captures relationships or dependencies within the input data. This single-layer attention mechanism calculates attention scores for each element in the input sequence and combines them to produce an attention-weighted representation.

  3. 堆叠注意力层:为了捕捉更复杂和多层次的模式,可以将多个注意力层堆叠在一起。每个后续层以前一层的输出作为输入,使模型能够构建更高层次的抽象。

  4. Stacking Attention Layers: To capture more intricate and multi-level patterns, multiple layers of attention can be stacked on top of each other. Each subsequent layer takes the output of the previous layer as input, enabling the model to build higher-level abstractions.

  5. 分层特征:随着输入数据经过多个注意力层,模型可以学习分层特征。较低层捕获局部模式和关系,而较高层捕获更全局和抽象的模式。

  6. Hierarchical Features: As the input data passes through multiple layers of attention, the model can learn hierarchical features. Lower layers capture local patterns and relationships, while higher layers capture more global and abstract patterns.

  7. 参数共享:在实践中,通常共享每个注意力层的参数,以避免模型参数数量的指数增长。这种共享确保模型可以有效地学习捕捉越来越复杂的模式,而无需不切实际地增加计算资源。

  8. Parameter Sharing: In practice, the parameters of each attention layer are typically shared to avoid an exponential increase in the number of model parameters. This sharing ensures that the model can effectively learn to capture increasingly complex patterns without an impractical increase in computational resources.


Multi-layer attention has been instrumental in achieving state-of-the-art results in various natural language processing tasks, including machine translation, text generation, and question answering. It allows models like the Transformer to handle long-range dependencies and capture nuanced relationships within sequences of data, making them versatile and powerful tools in the field of deep learning.